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How to get maps for a planning application

Feeling lost when it comes to obtaining maps for a planning application? We’ve put together a quick guide to help simplify the process.


When embarking on a construction project, securing planning permissions is a crucial step that architects must navigate. The national requirements for the application include:

  • Plans and drawings
  • Ownership Certificate and Agricultural Land Declaration
  • Design and Access Statement (required for some planning applications)
  • Fire Statement (required for some planning applications)

Additionally, there are specific requirements in relation to:

  • Outline planning applications
  • Applications that are subject to Environmental Impact Assessment

A key component of the process is the submission of detailed plans and drawings that accurately depict the proposed development and its context within the surrounding area.

This is where Ordnance Survey MasterMap data proves invaluable. By accessing this detailed spatial information, architects can create accurate and comprehensive plans and drawings for a successful permit application. Cetopo offers OS data, along with over 50 other datasets, organizing them into user-friendly formats, ready for download and import into your software of choice. This allows architects to effortlessly incorporate crucial planning data and other context into their existing workflow, from a single source.

Location Plan

The number of drawings required for the permit application varies based on the project’s complexity and regulatory demands. As a minimum, applicants will need to submit a ‘location plan’ that shows the application site in relation to the surrounding area. 

This plan serves as a visual representation of the application site in relation to its surroundings. It provides regulatory authorities with essential spatial context, helping them understand the proposed development’s impact on the existing environment.

A location plan should identify buildings and roads on adjoining sites, to make sure that the exact location of the application site is clear. A location plan should be based on an up-to-date map. The scale should typically be 1:1250 or 1:2500, but wherever possible the plan should be scaled to fit onto A4 or A3 size paper. The location plan must include a North Arrow, scale, OS license number and purchase date.

The application site should be clearly outlined with a red line on the location plan.It should include all land necessary to carry out the proposed development (land required for access to the site from a public highway, visibility splays, landscaping, car parking and open areas around buildings). A blue line should be drawn around any other land owned by the applicant, close to or adjoining the application site

Cetopo simplifies the creation of location plans for permit applications. Just enter your site address on the Cetopo platform and use one of our various selection tools to create your project effortlessly. Once a project is created, Cetopo provides unlimited downloads. Our user-friendly interface allows you to control which site features are included in each download and in what format. Each download includes the necessary OS data for the location plan, enabling you to extract your own location plan from your project file.


Location Plans in CAD and 3D modeling software

Cetopo offers downloads in various formats compatible with 3D-modeling and CAD software, including 2D files in Dxf and downloads in f.ex .obj, .3dm, .skp and more. Each download includes the OS license number, purchase date required in a permit application location plan, as well as additional source data, in text format.

Location Plans using BIM

When using our Revit or Archicad plug-ins, the information required by the permit application will be included in your download as a native revit ‘legend’ or as a ‘schedule’ (check term for this in download). Information on sources and data update dates will be included as an additional legend or schedule for you to use in your sheets as needed. 

Cetopo downloads include property lines as lines / detail lines, allowing you to use your software’s familiar annotation tools to pick the property lines to draw your red and blue lines and any other text or features you wish to annotate.

This integration of the permit application process into the critical path of planning and design effectively simplifying the project delivery process and streamlining project management.

Site Plan (Block Plan)

A Block Plan or Site Plan is a map drawn to a suitable metric scale which shows the detail of a development or proposed development.

Block or Site plans are based on Ordnance Survey Mastermap, with additional data overlaid.

Block Plans plans must use a standard metric scale. For planning applications these are typically 1:100, 1:200 and 1:500


Site Plan Requirements


  • North must be shown clearly on the map.
  • The maps must show the entire development or proposed development site.
  • The map must be correctly licensed for use.
  • The development or proposed development site should be outlined in Red.
  • For planning applications any other nearby land owned by the applicant should be outlined in blue.

For planning applications the map must be recent, not more than 18 months old.

Site Plans in CAD and 3D modeling software

Since each Cetopo download contains Ordnance Survey Mastermap data, models with 2D features can be readily used as the foundation for your site plan, ready for annotation in your software.


Download your site area and surrounding context in the 2D and 3D format best suited for your workflow and begin planning and designing with accurate information on the existing conditions. When ready, simply position the OS license data, purchase date, north arrow and other features included in your download and print your annotated site plan for your permit application.


Site Plans using BIM

You can easily import your Cetopo model into Revit or Archicad using the Cetopo plugin. The Cetopo model is always fully editable and functions as a natively modeled project would. This allows you to simply skip the tedious and error-prone methods of site modeling and allows you to simply duplicate your site plan and drag it onto your sheet – ready to be annotated and printed as your project site plan. Don’t forget to include your OS license data, north arrow, purchase date and other meta data you may wish to include in your site plan, but adding in the legend or ‘zone stamp’ – depending on which software you are using.


Other drawings


You will also usually be required to provide drawings. They can include existing and proposed elevations, existing and proposed floor plans, site sections and finished floor levels and roof plans. These should be drawn at a scale of 1:50 or 1:100, should include details, if applicable, of the materials that you propose to use, and should have dimensions marked on them.

Cetopo models are also geolocated and accurately placed. As a default, your Revit or Archicad project file will acquire coordinate data from your imported Cetopo model, and the project information will be configured accordingly.

This means that once your site model has been imported, you can easily use the annotation tools to mark elevations and coordinates as required for your drawings. 

You will also be able to use the view tools in your BIM software, to create site sections and elevations. As Cetopo 3D topography always imports in native format (toposurface in earlier Revit versions, toposolid in Revit 24+ and as mesh in Archicad), the terrain is easy to modify to create and extract proposed site elevations and sections as well.


Streamlining your existing workflow with Cetopo

Step One: Select your site

Select your site on our platform using one of our many easy-to-use selection tools.


Step two: Configure and Preview

Easily control which 2D and 3D features (including OS mastermap, treedata, etc.) are included in your context model. You can save your preferences as a template for future use.


Step three: Download and import

Use our BIM plug ins to import your model into your software of choice. Modify and use the native model for planning and to guide your design decisions from the get go.


Step four: Create Location Plan 

Create a new sheet with your title block of choice and follow the guide above to drag in the required elements. All sources and other metadata are always included as a legend with your import, including the OS license number. Print and submit.

You can find more detailed information on how Cetopo works as well as extensive guides through our How It Works and Resources pages.

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